Weather Conditions

TemperatureAir temperature measured at 7' (2.2m) above ground.
HumidityRelative Humidity is displayed as a 5-minute running average & corrected for any repeatable errors.
BarometerWhen measuring atmospheric pressure trend matters more than value. A quickly falling barometer can indicate inclement weather approaching. Likewise rapidly rising pressure generally precedes fair weather.
30.54 in
UVThe UV index is a measure of the sun-burning portion of solar ultraviolet radiation.
0-2: Low
3-7: Moderate
8+: Very High to Extreme (0-16)
Rainfall RateThe rate at which rain is presently falling (updated every 30 seconds)
0.00 in/hr
Wind ChillWind Chill is a measure of how cold it feels when wind is factored in with air temperature. Must be no more than 50°F and at least a 4 MPH windspeed to be cooler than air temperature. We use max rather than sustained speed due to our low installation height (8').
Dew PointDew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order for dew to form. A higher dew point indicates more moisture present in the air. When the dew point equals the temperature then humidity is 100%.
WindWind is displayed as a 10-minute average speed & direction including the maximum wind speed over that period.
Avg: 5 mph SE
Max: 12 mph
Solar EnergyA measure of direct & diffuse energy received from the Sun. (0-1800)
587 W/m2
Detailed Forecast
from NWSAll forecasts on this page are provided courtesy of the National Weather Service and apply to a gridded area within the city limits. at 12:35 PM CST
11° | 3°

-12° | -16°

13° | 5°

-11° | -15°

14° | 7°

-10° | -14°

16° | 7°

-9° | -14°

15° | 7°

-9° | -14°

13° | 8°

-11° | -13°

11° | 7°

-12° | -14°

11° | 7°

-12° | -14°

10° | 7°

-12° | -14°

9° | 6°

-13° | -14°

10° | 7°

-12° | -14°

9° | 7°

-13° | -14°

10° | 7°

-12° | -14°

11° | 8°

-12° | -13°

11° | 8°

-12° | -13°

12° | 8°

-11° | -13°

13° | 9°

-11° | -13°

14° | 9°

-10° | -13°

14° | 10°

-10° | -12°

16° | 12°

-9° | -11°

19° | 15°

-7° | -9°

22° | 19°

-6° | -7°

25° | 22°

-4° | -6°

29° | 24°

-2° | -4°

32° | 26°

0° | -3°

34° | 28°

1° | -2°

35° | 29°

2° | -2°

35° | 29°

2° | -2°

34° | 29°

1° | -2°

33° | 29°

1° | -2°

32° | 29°

0° | -2°

31° | 28°

-1° | -2°

30° | 28°

-1° | -2°

30° | 28°

-1° | -2°

29° | 27°

-2° | -3°

29° | 28°

-2° | -2°

28° | 28°

-2° | -2°

26° | 26°

-3° | -3°

25° | 25°

-4° | -4°

25° | 25°

-4° | -4°

24° | 24°

-4° | -4°

24° | 24°

-4° | -4°

22° | 22°

-6° | -6°

21° | 21°

-6° | -6°

20° | 19°

-7° | -7°

20° | 18°

-7° | -8°

20° | 18°

-7° | -8°

21° | 18°

-6° | -8°

High: 16°
High: -9°
Low: 8°
High: -13°
High: 35°
High: 2°
Low: 18°
High: -8°
High: 28°
High: -2°
Low: -2°
High: -19°
High: 11°
High: -12°
Low: -5°
High: -21°
High: 14°
High: -10°
Low: -4°
High: -20°
High: 8°
High: -13°
Low: -9°
High: -23°
High: 9°
High: -13°
Today's High: 13° at 01:07 PM
Today's Low: -7° at 07:06 AM
Yesterday's High: 11° at 01:48 PM
Yesterday's Low: 2° at 11:07 PM
High since 6AM: 13° at 01:30 PM
Low since 6PM: -7° at 07:06 AM
Normal High:Omaha avg (1991-2020) 38°
Normal Low:Omaha avg (1991-2020) 19°
Record High:Today's record high (1871 - Present) 68° (1967)
Record Low:Today's record low (1871 - Present) -22° (1905)
Yesterday's Departure:Approximate difference from daily "normal" average temperature -21°
Monthly Departure:Approximate difference from monthly "normal" average temperature assuming remaining days are normal.
Currently: -1.61 -2°
Today's Max Wind: 12 mph at 1:28 PM
Today's Rainfall: 0.00 in
Yesterday's Rainfall: 0.00 in
Sunrise: 07:19 AM |
Sunset: 05:57 PM
Daylight: 10hr 38min